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Walnut Tart

Delicious, provincial cooking. I love having this as a standby to serve guests with coffee - walnuts and coffee are such a wonderful match. Is so sweet you only need a little slice so it goes a long way too and lasts for a good week in a sealed tin. With only a handful of ingredients I whip this up whenever I have the left over egg whites. Recipe provided by my aunt Mary-Lou Herdson, who has a great eye for recipes that are so simple yet at the same time have that something special.

Pictured: Walnut Tart

220g walnuts
400ml caster sugar
30g plain flour
100g melted butter, cooled a little
6 egg whites, whisked to froth but not stiffly beaten

Preheat oven to 200°C.

Prepare and line a 24cm, or smaller, loose-based tart tin.

In a food-processor, add the walnuts and sugar and chop, but not too finely.
Add the flour, butter and egg whites to the processor – combine but do not over-process.

Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake 20-25 minutes, or longer – the tart should be quite brown and crunchy at the edges.

Place on a wire rack and let cool 5 minutes before turning out.

To serve - dust with icing sugar.

Serves 12

Pictured: Walnut Tart

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